Based on the application, the Museum can issue digital reproductions (images) of collection items for publication in monographs, bachelor's, master's, etc. works, publications, TV programs, as well as exhibitions, expositions, etc., or for private use for research purposes.
Send the completed application form to The submission will be considered in order of priority within 10 working days, you will be contacted by the Head of Collection's Public Access Program.
Please read carefully and fill out the application form. When filling out and sending in the form, you must confirm the following with your signature:
- the obtained digital reproductions of the PSMHM objects (according to the list) will be used only for the purpose indicated above, using credit lines: Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum, Riga. Digital reproductions will not be used for any other purpose;
- the obtained digital reproductions of the PSMHM collection objects (according to the list) will be used in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Latvia, including the Copyright Law and, if necessary, upon receiving the permission of the copyright holder for the right to use audiovisual and photographic works, arranging these issues with the Copyright and Communications Consulting Agency/Authors’ Union of Latvia (AKKA/LAA), providing PSMHM against claims and demands of third parties related to the use of reproductions;
- when using author’s work which’s author is not identified or cannot be found, I am aware that at any moment the author has the right to be recognized as the author, therefore I take full responsibility for all possible claims and demands of the author.
Note that the Museum price list may apply to the service!
In case of questions, contact Antra Skripste, Head of Collection's Public Access Program (